Tanmay Bharat

Group Leader
Postdoctoral research, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge UK
PhD, European Molecular Biology Laboratory Heidelberg, Germany
BA Biological Sciences, Oxford, UK (Rhodes Scholarship)
Bharat, T.A.M., von Kügelgen, A., Alva, V.
Trends in Microbiol, online 26th October (2020)
Böhning, J., Bharat, T.A.M.
Prog Mol Bio Biophys, in press (2020)
Djeghloul, D., Kohler, A.C., Patel, B., Kramer, H., Veland, N., Whilding, C., Dimond, A., Elliott, J., Feytout, A., Bharat, T.A.M., Tarafder, A.K., Löwe, J., Ng, B.L., Guo, Y., Brown, K., Guy, J., Merkenschlager, M., Fisher, A.G.
Nat Comms, 11, Article number: 4118 (2020)
Letham, S.C., Bharat, T.A.M.
Nat Rev Microbiol, online 20th August (2020)
Tarafdfer, A.K., von Kügelgen, A., Mellul, A., Schulze, U., Aarts, D., Bharat, T.A.M.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 18th Feb (2020)
von Kügelgen, A., Tang., H., Hardy, G.G., Kureisaite-Ciziene, D., Brun, Y.V., Stansfeld, P.J., Robinson, C.V., Bharat, T.A.M.
Cell 180 (2), 348-358 (2020)
Chorev, D.S., Tang, H., Rouse, S.L., Bolla, J.R., von Kügelgen, A., Baker, L.A., Wu, D. Gault, J., Bharat, T.A.M., Matthews, S., Robinson, C.V.
Nature Protocols, 1st April (2020)
Bharat, T.A.M., Kukulski, W.
Correlative Imaging, Editors: Verkade, P. and Collinson, L., Wiley 1st Edition (2019)
Sulkowski, N.I., Hardy, G.G., Brun, Y., Bharat, T.A.M.
J Bacteriol, 201 (18), e00112-19, September (2019)
Hoffmann, P.C., Bharat, T.A.M., Wozny, M.R., Miller, E.A., Kukulski, W.
Dev Cell, 51 (4), 488-502, November (2019)
Locating macromolecules and determining structures inside bacterial cells using electron cryotomography
Melia, C.E., Bharat, T.A.M.
BBA - Proteins and Proteomics, June 13th (2018)
Bharat, T.A.M., Hoffmann, P., Kukulski, W.
Structure June 5th (2018)
Fernandez, J.J., Li, S., Bharat, T.A., and Agard, D.A.
J. Struct. Biol., February 2nd (2018)
Bharat, T.A.M., Ciziene, D.K., Hardy, G.G., Yu, E.W., Devant, J.M., Hagen, W.J., Brun, Y.V., Briggs, J.A., and Löwe, J.
Nature Microbiology 2, 17059 (2017)
Deng X., Fink G., Bharat T.A.M., He S., Kureisaite-Ciziene D., Löwe J.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 114 (29), E5950-E5958 (2017)
Bharat, T.A.M., and Scheres, S.H.W.
Nature protocols 11, 9-20 (2016).
Martin, T.G., Bharat, T.A., Joerger, A.C., Bai, X.C., Praetorius, F., Fersht, A.R., Dietz, H., and Scheres, S.H.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2016)
Bharat, T.A., Murshudov, G.N., Sachse, C., and Löwe, J.
Nature 523, 106-110.(2015).
Bharat, T.A., Russo, C.J., Löwe, J., Passmore, L.A., and Scheres, S.H.
Structure 23, 1743-1753 (2015b).
Fromm, S.A., Bharat, T.A., Jakobi, A.J., Hagen, W.J., and Sachse, C.
J Struct Biol 189, 87-97 (2015).
Bharat, T.A., Castillo Menendez, L.R., Hagen, W.J., Lux, V., Igonet, S., Schorb, M., Schur, F.K., Kräusslich, H.G., and Briggs, J.A.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111, 8233-8238 (2014).
Bharat, T.A., Malsam, J., Hagen, W.J., Scheutzow, A., Söllner, T.H., and Briggs, J.A.
EMBO Rep 15, 308-314 (2014).
Davey, N.E., Satagopam, V.P., Santiago-Mozos, S., Villacorta-Martin, C., Bharat, T.A., Schneider, R., and Briggs, J.A.
PLoS Comput Biol 10, e1003951 (2014).
Szwedziak, P., Wang, Q., Bharat, T.A., Tsim, M., and Löwe, J.
Elife 4, e04601 (2014).
van den Ent, F., Izoré, T., Bharat, T.A., Johnson, C.M., and Löwe, J.
Elife 3, e02634 (2014).
Bharat, T.A., Zbaida, D., Eisenstein, M., Frankenstein, Z., Mehlman, T., Weiner, L., Sorzano, C.O., Barak, Y., Albeck, S., Briggs, J.A.
Structure 21, 1158-1167 (2013).
Bharat, T.A., Davey, N.E., Ulbrich, P., Riches, J.D., de Marco, A., Rumlova, M., Sachse, C., Ruml, T., and Briggs, J.A.
Nature 487, 385-389 (2012).
Bharat, T.A., Noda, T., Riches, J.D., Kraehling, V., Kolesnikova, L., Becker, S., Kawaoka, Y., and Briggs, J.A.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109, 4275-4280 (2012).
Malsam, J., Parisotto, D., Bharat, T.A., Scheutzow, A., Krause, J.M., Briggs, J.A., and Söllner, T.H.
EMBO J 31, 3270-3281 (2012).
Steringer, J.P., Bleicken, S., Andreas, H., Zacherl, S., Laussmann, M., Temmerman, K., Contreras, F.X., Bharat, T.A., Lechner, J., Muller, H.M., et al.
J Biol Chem 287, 27659-27669 (2012).
Combining cryo-electron microscopy and tomography for structure determination of heterogeneous macromolecular assemblies
Bharat, T.A. Heidelberg: University of Heidelberg (2012).
2011 and before
Bharat, T.A., Riches, J.D., Kolesnikova, L., Welsch, S., Krahling, V., Davey, N., Parsy, M.L., Becker, S., and Briggs, J.A.
PLoS Biol 9, e1001196 (2011).
Bharat, T.A., Eisenbeis, S., Zeth, K., and Hocker, B.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 105, 9942-9947 (2008).